Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Never do that, never

When I firstly heard the last week news that Facebook will charge some amounts of money monthly (even though I found out that news was fake), I was really surprised. Ten years ago, I experienced the demise of one of the top online communities (Freechal) after the converting their free service into paid service. The reason that I really surprised is that Mr. Zuckerberg would make such a silly decision. I felt relieved after finding out that news was ‘fake.’ If it really happens, (even though Facebook would enjoy the increase of the net income in a short run, they might loose money and reputation together and finally go out of the market and our memory in a long run, like Freechal.
Facebook is free and has very lower barrier to access. That means many people have chances to connect to Facebook. Facebook already posts a lot of advertisements on the web. Also, I felt nervous that advertisements on Facebook really showed the things that I wanted. Facebook is using tracking system, by the aid of big data (Data shadow). Besides ethical concerns, Facebook is a forefront of the online marking. If Facebook started their paid service, they might experience serial disaster; loose people, loose advertisements, and finally will be gone out.

As Trent mentioned, ‘the potential it has for acquiring an individual's attention is worth more than the space it occupies on a company website or server.’ More attention would result from more connection. Also, they are doing really well in the mobile. They strategically differentiated web and mobile advertisements. Due to the smaller screen on the mobile, Facebook only show necessary ads on the mobile for connectors. Paid service means the loose of audiences (But I am supporting NYT’s paywall, because SNS and news sites are really different on the purpose of connection.) I wish they would never make a silly decision to pursue short-term benefits.

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